The project “Building capacities for innovation in the eco-social entrepreneurship education”, in which the Young Ambassadors participate as partners, aims to build capacities for the promotion of eco-social entrepreneurship (ESP) and the development of tools and methodology of informal education. That it will encourage young people to get involved in ESP through the development of their soft, entrepreneurial and digital skills, thereby enabling behavioral changes for individual preferences, cultural values and awareness of sustainable development and lifestyles.
Eco-social entrepreneurship analysis: needs, obstacles and good practices is a document that aims to look at the Eco-Social Economy in European countries and partner countries of the Western Balkans. For each country, the document focuses on:
a.) Research and analysis of the current state of eco-social entrepreneurship in partner countries;
b.) Investigation of obstacles for the development of eco-social projects and activities through social entrepreneurship;
c.) Examples of good practice of existing eco-social entrepreneurs in partner countries, the EU and the world;
The e-book “Eco-social entrepreneurship analysis: needs, obstacles and good practices” with accompanying video content can be found at the link: https://ecosocent.eu/sr/analiza-eko-socijalnog-preduzetnistva-potrebe-prepreke-i-dobre-prakse/