WB SEA Social Economy Lab – Call for participants
Young Ambassadors is looking for 3 young and enthusiastic participants for the first Training on Advocacy, Partnership-building, and Digital Learning in Social Economy as part of the Social Economy Lab under the Western Balkans Youth Social Economy Alliance (WB SEA) project. The training will take place in Podgorica, Montenegro from 27 March to 02 April 2022. All costs regarding travel, accommodation, and travel insurance, are covered by the project. Deadline for applying is 15th of March (please send your CV and motivation letter to mladiambasadori@gmail.com).
The first training is devoted to the development of advocacy and partnership-building strategies for the participants to be implemented on local level. The training would be intended for the Young SE Facilitators, youth work practitioners, that would help disseminate the project results, and help the promotion of best practices in local communities. The training will be joined by 24 young people from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Belgium, Italy, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia.
The WB SEA Lab will embody the unique roadmap towards establishing a network of change-makers in the social economy field, that would contribute to the supporting environment for the young social entrepreneurs and social innovators. The participants of the program would become SE facilitators equipped with knowledge and skills to work on the local level with youngsters from their community in considering the social economy as one of the tools for them to make a difference in their community, and for their social and economic integration. Their task as peer educators would be especially important in local Social economy schools that would be designed and implemented within this project, based on the framework developed through the training program.
The WB SEA Lab consists of 3 stages:
- Training for Young SE Facilitators I: Advocacy, Partnership-building and Digital Learning for SE – 27 March-02 April 2022, Podgorica, Montenegro
- Training for Young SE Facilitators II: Developing SE Educational Curriculum for Youth CSOs – end of April 2022, Montenegro
- Multiplier events: Social Economy Schools – May, Nis
Note: We expect the applicants to be devoted to being part of the three stages of the WB SEA Lab.
What you will get from the WB SEA Lab?
- Increased theoretical and practical knowledge on social economy in WB and EU, and gained first-hand experience on social economy practices (ex. social cooperatives), thus get inspired to replicate good practices and create positive change;
- Boosted employability, self-employability, and entrepreneurial spirit through innovative training curricula on SE;
- Improved skills and knowledge on youth advocacy and lobbying, digital media, and digital advocacy tools to influence SE policies;
- Increased knowledge and skills in non-formal education, facilitation, curricula development, and online and on-ground youth engagement tools in SE;
- Enhanced knowledge on strategic organizational and program development, research and policy analysis skills in SE increased;
- Improved intercultural and soft skills and expanded professional networks in SE in both regions;
Recognition and Certification:
The learning outcomes will be also recognized and validated through the production of the Training Curricula and the Social Economy Schools as a way for the participants to practically implement their acquired competencies and multiply the impact on young people and youth CSOs. The participants will receive at the end of the programme an Youthpass certificate, together with the project-based certificate issued by the coordinating partner (ADP Zid).
Who do we look for?
This activity is open for youth workers, NGO practitioners, social economy actors and enthusiasts, youth leaders. It is expected that participants are interested and motivated to become a part of a WB SEA network and to support its further development. We also welcome people who already have experience in international youth work through Erasmus+, and especially those experienced in the field of social economy.
The selected participants should:
- come from Republic of Serbia;
- be devoted to being part of the three stages of the lab and have interest in further getting involved in the actions of the WB SEA;
- have basic knowledge regarding the social economy, the greater experience would be an asset,
- be at least 18 years old; and max 35
- have a good command of English;
- have the potential and need to develop their competencies in youth work in the area of social economy and social innovation;
- show initiative and willingness to self-direct their own learning process;
- be prepared to reflect on and question their own beliefs and approaches as future SE Facilitators.
Covid-19 travel regulations to Montenegro
Entry in Montenegro through all border crossings for foreigners is possible with one of the proofs, as follows:
1) that they have been fully vaccinated with the prescribed number of doses of vaccine against the new coronavirus before entering Montenegro, issued by an authorized health institution, and that no more than six months have passed since receiving the last dose of vaccine;
2) negative result of PCR test for new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which was issued by a registered laboratory and is not older than 72 hours;
3) a positive result of the PCR test for a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), issued by a registered laboratory and older than 10 days, and not older than six months from the date of issuance of the results of this test; or
4) negative result of a rapid antigen test for a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which was issued by a registered laboratory and is not older than 48 hours.
The costs for the Covid-19 test are covered by the project. Please note, that the Covid-19 restrictions are subject to change. The selected participants will be timely informed of any changes prior to the Training.
Deadline and application procedure
The deadline for application is the 15th of March, 23.59 (CET).
All interested applicants should send their CV and motivation latter via email: mladiambasadori@gmail.com
The selected participants will be informed by the 17th of March at the latest. For any questions or queries, please contact: mladiambasadori@gmail.com
This project is part of this broader strategy aimed to support the creation of the WB Youth Social Economy Alliance (WB SEA), as one of the few regional networks dedicated to building the capacities of civil society organizations to promote, advocate and use the social economy as one of the most effective instruments to engage, empower and create opportunities for the WB youth. Identifying the social economy as one of the most powerful tools for the prevention of brain-drain, the project will unleash the youth potential and create opportunities for their meaningful participation through social entrepreneurship and social innovations, contributing to the acquisition of quality youth capital.
The project is implemented by ADP-Zid (Montenegro), Diesis Network (Belgium), Partners Albania (Albania), CDP Globus (Bosnia and Herzegovina), COSV (Italy), Lens(Kosovo*), ARNO (North Macedonia), and Young Ambassadors (Serbia).
The project is supported by the EU, through the Erasmus + programme.
Budi i ti deo mladih ambasadora!
Biramo devetu generaciju mladih ambasadora i želimo baš tebe u timu!
Zanimaš se za kreativne industrije, želiš da zaviriš u svet inovacija, zamišljaš sebe u preduzetništvu sa društvenim impaktom, veruješ u kulturu prilagođenu mladima ili ti je potrebna podrška da svoje ideje pretočiš u delo?
Ukoliko je odgovor pozitivan, pridruži se našem kreativnom timu!
Konkurs je otvoren do 5. novembra za mlade iz srednjih škola i fakulteta iz Niša. Popunite prijavu na linku: shorturl.at/mzDEV
Zajedno ćemo raditi na usavršavanju vaših veština, razvijanju liderskih sposobnosti i stvaranju zajednice po meri mladih.
Za sve informacije u vezi konkursa, možete nas kontaktirati putem mejla office@ambasador.rs.
Da li ste spremni da ponesete titulu mladog ambasadora svog grada?
Biramo osmu generaciju mladih ambasadora i želimo baš tebe u timu!
Izabrani mladi ambasadorima proći će kroz edukativne radionice, dobiće priliku da realizuju svoje ideje i učestvuju u sprovođenju programa, manifestacija, događaja iz oblasti kulture, preduzetništva i inovacija.
Zajedno ćemo raditi na usavršavanju vaših veština, razvijanju liderskih sposobnosti i stvaranju zajednice po meri mladih.
Konkurs je otvoren za sve učenike i studente iz obrazovnih institucija u Nišu do 20. septembra 2020. godine, a prijava se vrši popunjavanjem prijavnog formulara na linku.
Za sve informacije u vezi konkursa, možete nas kontaktirati putem mejla office@ambasador.rs.
Priključi se svojim vršnjacima i daj doprinos da se ideje mladih čuju više.
#KreNItalks: NOW WHAT?
Mladi ambasadori će u narednom periodu organizovati seriju otvorenih onlajn predavanja sa ekspertima iz oblasti kreativnih industrija iz celog sveta, kako bismo međusobno delili znanje, ekspertizu, informacije i najvažnije, podršku.
Уколико имате микро* или социјално предузеће и желите да унапредите своје пословање, имамо тим младих креативаца који ће вам помоћи!
Позивамо вас да учествујете у једногодишњем пројекту и кроз интезивни програм радите директно са младим колегама који ће вам помоћи да развијете одржив бизнис модел. Са вама ће радити млади са искуством у области економије, дизајна, архитектуре, ИТ-ја и других креативних индустрија.
Током трајања пројекта предузетници из Србије и Бугарске проћи ће кроз практични рад са младим креативцима, радити на унапређењу свог бренд, развијању маркетинг кампање и бизнис плана. Целокупан процес сарадње младих креативаца и предузетника биће сниман и емитован на регионалним телевизијама у Србији и Бугарској.
За пријаву је потребно да пошаљете попуњен формулар најкасније до 20. октобра, за остало ћемо се побринути ми.
Након истека позива, кандидати са најбољим апликацијама биће позвани на интервју. Најбоље апликације ћемо бирати на основу економских перформанси, проблема са којима се суочавате и мотивације за учешће у пројекту.

Главни циљ пројекта „Креативни караван” је подизање нивоа свести и развој вештина у области предузетништва, потребних на тржишту рада, међу генералном популацијом младих у ИПА прекограничном региону, кроз иновације у образовном систему базираним на новим моделима комуникације и презентације.
Делује корисно за ваш бизнис, чекамо вашу пријаву!
Хајде да заједно покажемо како креативне индустрије мењају друшво на боље!
*Позив је отворен за мирко предузећа чији су оснивачи млади до 30 година или жене.
Овај пројекат суфинансира Европскa унијa кроз Интеррег-ИПА Програм прекограничне сарадње Бугарска-Србија.
Ukoliko želiš da budeš jedan od Mladih ambasadora, sada je pravi trenutak jer raspisujemo konkurs za izbor sedme generacije Mladih ambasadora koja će realizovati ideje mladih i za mlade, promovisati kulturu i preduzetnički duh među svojim vršnjacima.

Izabrani Mladi ambasadori će proći kroz različite edukativne programe, dobiće priliku da realizuju svoje ideje i učestvuju u realizaciji različitih programa, manifestacija, događaja iz oblasti kulture, preduzetništva i inovacija. Zajedno ćemo raditi na usavršavanju vaših veština, razvijanju liderskih sposobnosti i stvaranju zajednice po meri mladih.
Konkurs je otvoren za sve učenike i studente iz obrazovnih institucija u Nišu do 15. septembra 2019. godine, a prijava se vrši popunjavanjem prijavnog formulara.
Za sve informacije nas možete kontaktirati putem mejla office@ambasador.rs.