BC4ESE: Objavljena Analiza eko-društvenog poduzetništva: potrebe, prepreke i dobre prakse
Projekat “Izgradnja kapaciteta za inovacije u obrazovanju za eko-društveno poduzetništvo”, u kome Mladi ambasadori učestvuju kao partneri, ima za cilj da izgradi kapacitete za promicanje eko-društvenog poduzetništva (EDP) i razvoj alata i metodologija neformalnog obrazovanja. To će potaknuti mlade ljude da se uključe u EDP kroz razvoj svojih mekih, poduzetničkih i digitalnih vještina, čime će se omogućiti promjene u ponašanju za individualne preferencije, kulturne vrijednosti i svijest o održivom razvoju i stilovima života.
Analiza eko-društvenog poduzetništva: potrebe, prepreke i dobre prakse je dokument koji ima za cilj da sagleda eko-socijalnu ekonomiju u evropskim zemljama i partnerskim zemljama Zapadnog Balkana. Za svaku zemlju, dokument se fokusira na:
a.) Istraživanje i analizu postojećeg stanja eko-socijalnog preduzetništva u partnerskim zemljama;
b.) Istraživanje prepreka za razvoj eko-socijalnih projekata i aktivnosti kroz socijalno/društveno preduzetništvo;
c.) Primere dobre prakse postojećih eko-socijalnih preduzetnika u partnerskim zemljama, EU i svetu;
E-knjigu “Analiza eko-socijalnog preduzetništva: potrebe, prepreke i dobre prakse” sa pratećim video sadržajima možete pronaći na linku: https://ecosocent.eu/sr/analiza-eko-socijalnog-preduzetnistva-potrebe-prepreke-i-dobre-prakse/
Biramo desetu generaciju mladih ambasadora
Biramo desetu generaciju mladih ambasadora i želimo baš tebe u timu!
Zanimaš se za kreativne industrije, želiš da zaviriš u svet inovacija, zamišljaš sebe u preduzetništvu sa društvenim impaktom, veruješ u kulturu prilagođenu mladima ili ti je potrebna podrška da svoje ideje pretočiš u delo?
Ukoliko je odgovor pozitivan, pridruži se našem kreativnom timu! Konkurs je otvoren do 20. oktobra za mlade iz srednjih škola i fakulteta iz Niša.
Popunite prijavu na linku: https://forms.gle/HkYvkEw4fTfsfL1m8
Zajedno ćemo raditi na usavršavanju vaših veština, razvijanju liderskih sposobnosti i stvaranju zajednice po meri mladih.
Za sve informacije u vezi konkursa, možete nas kontaktirati putem mejla office@ambasador.rs.
Female entrepreneurship in rural areas, a valuable tool in achieving the objectives regarding gender equality and the green social economy
At the level of the European Union, female entrepreneurs represent approximately one third of the self-employed persons, and the percentage is the same in rural areas.
Even if the number of women occupying positions of associates or shareholders in small and medium-sized enterprises has increased slightly recently, the gap in terms of the number of female and male entrepreneurs is still a large one in Romania, where only 36.84% are women.
The difference is even more significant in the rural communities where, due to the lack of education, limited opportunities, traditional social roles, the poverty rate, to name just a few of the obstacles, the number of women to develop their own business is much smaller.
The European Commission’s policies contribute to gender equality becoming a reality in the EU countries, and the steps in this direction involve, along with the awareness of the problem and of the importance that women have in the economic and social development of rural communities, also promoting a more active role for them and supporting them for the establishment and administration of private economic structures.
The process of empowering women cannot be attained, however, only by providing financial support. Entrepreneurial education plays an extremely significant role, through which future female entrepreneurs can acquire knowledge and develop the necessary skills in this regard, using digital and social economy models.
At the same time, considering the provisions of the European Green Deal, it is essential that the entrepreneurship developed in the rural environment allows the transition towards a social and green economy.
The Women’s Empowerment through GREen Social ENtrepreneurship – WE GREEN project acts towards two major directions leading to a sustainable Europe – gender equality in rural entrepreneurship and greening of the rural economy.
The expected results of the project – an inspirational package, the development and implementation of a capacity building program for formal and non-formal educators working with women in rural communities and a guide for all stakeholders, contributes to the achievement of the objectives regarding gender equality and green social economy at national and European level.
The #WEGREEN project is funded by ERASMUS+ and implemented by Diesis Network, BK CON, SYNTHESIS, Primorska University, Mladi ambasadori and the Center for Not-for-profit Law.
Kick-off meeting of the BC4ESE project was held
On April 12, 2022, a Kick-off meeting of the project: Building capacities for innovation in the eco-social entrepreneurship education (BC4ESE) was held online. A plan of interesting activities, which will be implemented in the period 2022-2025, has been prepared by the consortium of organizations consisting of:
Cluster for Eco-Social Innovation and Development CEDRA Split, Croatia (coordinator) and partners:
Diesis Network (Belgium)
HUB Nicosia (Cyprus)
Young Ambassadors (Serbia)
CDP “Globus” (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid (Montenegro)
Agencija za lokalni razvoj d.o.o. Prozor-Rama (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Centre for Vocational Education (Montenegro).
The BC4ESE project is dedicated to building capacities for the promotion of eco-social entrepreneurship and the development of non-formal education tools and methodologies. Through its strong innovative component, the project covers several topics important for the sustainable development of local communities:
- eco-social entrepreneurship,
- youth inclusion,
- non-formal education,
- digital work.
The project is funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + program.
BC4ESE project has started
On February 25, 2022, the first meeting within the project: BC4ESE – Building capacities for innovation in eco-social entrepreneurship education was held (online). This project is implemented by a consortium of organizations from the European Union and the Western Balkans.
The aim of the project is to establish an innovative framework for the intersectoral eco-social development that will allow local associations and young people to actively contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive development of targeted areas in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Belgium and Cyprus. This will enhance the partner’s capacity to develop and implement meaningful high-quality digital youth work that teaches and promotes eco social entrepreneurship in partners countries.
Coordinator of the project is Cluster for Eco-Social Innovation and Development CEDRA Split, Croatia.
- Diesis Network (Belgium)
- HUB Nicosia (Cyprus)
- Young Ambassadors (Serbia)
- CDP “Globus” (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid (Montenegro)
- Agencija za lokalni razvoj d.o.o. Prozor-Rama (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Centre for Vocational Education (Montenegro).
Project BC4ESE is funded by the European Union, through the Erasmus + programme.
Project duration: 1st Jan 2022 – 1st Jan 2025 (36 months)