Kick-off meeting of the BC4ESE project was held
On April 12, 2022, a Kick-off meeting of the project: Building capacities for innovation in the eco-social entrepreneurship education (BC4ESE) was held online. A plan of interesting activities, which will be implemented in the period 2022-2025, has been prepared by the...
BC4ESE project has started
On February 25, 2022, the first meeting within the project: BC4ESE – Building capacities for innovation in eco-social entrepreneurship education was held (online). This project is implemented by a consortium of organizations from the European Union and the Western...
WB SEA Social Economy Lab – Call for participants
Young Ambassadors is looking for 3 young and enthusiastic participants for the first Training on Advocacy, Partnership-building, and Digital Learning in Social Economy as part of the Social Economy Lab under the Western Balkans Youth Social Economy Alliance (WB SEA)...
Budi i ti deo mladih ambasadora!
Biramo devetu generaciju mladih ambasadora i želimo baš tebe u timu!
Zanimaš se za kreativne industrije, želiš da zaviriš u svet inovacija, zamišljaš sebe u preduzetništvu sa društvenim impaktom, veruješ u kulturu prilagođenu mladima ili ti je potrebna podrška da svoje...
Da li ste spremni da ponesete titulu mladog ambasadora svog grada?
Biramo osmu generaciju mladih ambasadora i želimo baš tebe u timu!
Izabrani mladi ambasadorima proći će kroz edukativne radionice, dobiće priliku da realizuju svoje ideje i učestvuju u sprovođenju programa, manifestacija, događaja iz oblasti kulture, preduzetništva i...